

This API is designed for experienced developers only and is provided as a self-service tool with minimal support.

Please be aware that currently, this API only supports legacy checkouts and classic customer accounts. It does not support integration with New Customer Accounts & new Checkout Extensibility. Shopify has not yet enabled app integration capabilities for New Customer Accounts. It is anticipated that these Shopify features will become available later in 2024. See Shopify’s consideration guide.

Fileflare API

Viewing download links

This API is useful if you have a custom frontend in your store.

These APIs do NOT require authentication.

Customer account order page

This API is designed to be used on the customer account.

The ID used in this API is found in the URL on the customer account order page on Shopify, or on the Thank You & Order Status page.

e.g. https://my-store.com/account/orders/0c732eb6fd9802a0821a9d29888baee8





    "order": {
        "order_number": 1050,
        "lines": [
                "product": {
                    "id": "82664d96-6dfd-4343-96b0-05c46f412a5q",
                    "name": "My new Book",
                    "variant_name": "Paper back",
                    "sku": "my-sku",
                    "product_id": 123456,
                    "variant_id": 1234567,
                    "vendor": "my-store",
                    "tags": [
                "assets": [
                        "limits": {
                            "downloaded": 5,
                            "limit": 10
                        "data": {
                            "id": "82664d96-6dfd-4343-96b0-05c46f412a5b",
                            "filename": "My new book",
                            "size": "10MB",
                            "is_file": false,
                            "is_link": true,
                            "url": "https://www.my-website.com/download/my-book.pdf"
                "product": {
                    "id": "82664d96-6dfd-4343-96b0-05c46f412a5r",
                    "name": "My new Book",
                    "variant_name": "Hard back",
                    "sku": "my-sku",
                    "product_id": 123456,
                    "variant_id": 1234563,
                    "vendor": "my-store",
                    "tags": [
                "assets": []
        "assets": [
                "limits": {
                    "downloaded": 0,
                    "limit": 10
                "data": {
                    "id": "82664d96-6dfd-4343-96b0-05c46f41sas",
                    "filename": "My new book - part 2",
                    "size": "20MB",
                    "is_file": false,
                    "is_link": true,
                    "url": "https://www.my-website.com/download/my-book-part-2.pdf"
    "text": {
        "title": "Download files for your orders",
        "text": null