
This API is designed for experienced developers only and is provided as a self-service tool with minimal support.

Please be aware that currently, this API only supports legacy checkouts and classic customer accounts. It does not support integration with New Customer Accounts & new Checkout Extensibility. Shopify has not yet enabled app integration capabilities for New Customer Accounts. It is anticipated that these Shopify features will become available later in 2024. See Shopify’s consideration guide.

Fileflare API

Envío del correo electrónico de descarga

Utilice esta API para enviar el correo electrónico de descarga de un pedido.

El punto final tiene un límite de velocidad de 6 por minuto.

Envío del correo electrónico de descarga

Para activar el envío del correo electrónico de descarga, envíe una solicitud PUT a: